Redundant employees and the Outplacement

In today’s marketplace, restructuring is a complex and difficult process often implemented in companies across all industry landscapes. When the unwelcomed situation arises, the employer must take vital steps for effective execution of an executive outplacement plan. This is in order to minimize not only the potential damage to the perception of the company in the business communityand within the company, but also the impact to the people affected by the executive job layoffs.

SIMEX Assessment and Development Centre is an experienced advisor to firms assisting those displaced redundant employees, experts and executives. Being made redundant is a stressful experience, particularly in tough economic environments, which spreads the feeling of anxiety and fear not only among the executives in transition, but also the remaining employees.

Outplacement process includes:

  • Career management
  • Identification of the individual’s strength and weaknesses,
  • Development of an effective job seeking strategy, and practical assistance in arranging new appointments with potential employers.